*....or so the story goes. Once upon a time, Ryan suggested to Melissa that they start a 'blog'. To which Melissa said, "We are not blog people!" And so here we are. We are teaching ourselves photography, taking the camera everywhere with us. This little blog is meant to show off shots we are proud of, and to give you a glimpse into our adventures. Comments always welcome!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Canada Geese

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Canada Geese

Geese on a soccer field in Whitby, just off of the 401.
And Neil did refer to a great poem. Just change corn field to soccer field:

"Us Canada geese held a meeting
in the middle of a corn field.
It's agreed; we leave in small vees
and meet up again in the real world.
Like middle-aged men smoke dope
and talk just to their cars.
We can talk just to ourselves
or we can talk just to the stars."
-Gord Downie, from Coke Machine Glow
-shot by Ryan


Anonymous said...

Us Canada geese held a meeting
in the middle of a soccer field.
It's agreed; we leave in small vees
and meet up again in the real world.
Like middle-aged men smoke dope
and talk just to their cars,
we can talk just to ourselves
or we can talk just to the stars.

Ryan said...

couldn't have said it better.

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