*....or so the story goes. Once upon a time, Ryan suggested to Melissa that they start a 'blog'. To which Melissa said, "We are not blog people!" And so here we are. We are teaching ourselves photography, taking the camera everywhere with us. This little blog is meant to show off shots we are proud of, and to give you a glimpse into our adventures. Comments always welcome!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ryan & Chopper's Big Day Out

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Ryan & Chopper's Day Out

A couple weekends ago, I grabbed the dog, Uncle Guy's old film camera and we hit the Contact Photo Festival exhibits up in the Junction. One photographer spotted the old Minolta slung over my shoulder and commented that she used to use the same one. I handed her the camera and told her to snap off a couple shots for old time's sake. She had me and Chopper sit in the front window of her studio and she went outside to take the shot. I like how it turned out.

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