*....or so the story goes. Once upon a time, Ryan suggested to Melissa that they start a 'blog'. To which Melissa said, "We are not blog people!" And so here we are. We are teaching ourselves photography, taking the camera everywhere with us. This little blog is meant to show off shots we are proud of, and to give you a glimpse into our adventures. Comments always welcome!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Red Chair

Ok need some photoshop help here. This is posted straight out of the camera jpg. I can import the RAW, and manipulate it, but I can't "Save As" a jpg. When I take the same manipulated RAW file and do "save for web" all of the reds desaturate and go green? Help!
-shot by Ryan
(Oh and that is it for a few days. We are on vacation and will be back with a ton of pics in a few days)
--UPDATE June 24 2006--
Ok I figured out my problem. I had to convert the colour space in photoshop before saving a jpeg. So here is the way I intended it to look.

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