*....or so the story goes. Once upon a time, Ryan suggested to Melissa that they start a 'blog'. To which Melissa said, "We are not blog people!" And so here we are. We are teaching ourselves photography, taking the camera everywhere with us. This little blog is meant to show off shots we are proud of, and to give you a glimpse into our adventures. Comments always welcome!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wedding Factory

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While Ryan takes a "NyQuil Time-out", and stays the heck away from the M&M's, the rest of of the "Wedding Factory" is in high gear. A huge thanks to: Her Craftiness -Veronica, Best Man & Floral Arranger -Neil, and Tracy for commuting 2 hrs for 2 hrs of work. If you have us on Facebook, check out more photos there. Or, go here for more photos.
-shot by Melissa

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